Prayer Call / Intercession

Prayer Call / Intercession

For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you. Colossians 1:9

The Intercessory Ministry is a ministry of prayer that requires total dedication and a personal relationship with God. It is the ministry that  leads you to earnestly seek the face of God as you present the needs of others by standing in the gap for them. The intercessors of Full Life Fellowship Ministries show a willingness to make sacrifices by being on the front lines, to hold up the arms of the leader(s) of the house by going before God on a daily basis to receive protection and guidance for those who are being prayed for as well as for yourself. As intercessors, we are always on a spiritual wall looking and discerning the times, sounding the alarm at the sight of trouble, and discerning when a person is hurting or needs encouragement.